Project: ELAN Lab

Project: ELAN Lab

What is ELAN Lab?

Initiated in Ouagadougou in 2014 by Les Récréâtrales, the Labo ELAN is a program to boost theater activity in Africa.

It aims to:

  • Provide a training and research space-time for professional artists.
  • Create links and meeting opportunities between artists from the African continent.
  • Strengthen the links between French-speaking African theatrical structures by creating meetings and exchanges through joint creative projects.
  • Lead to the production of shows that will be broadcast during the Récréâtrales Festival Platform but also via the network of partner structures.

An interdisciplinary space, the Labo ELAN combines a breeding ground for African artists and an incubator for live performance projects. Through support for training, research-creation and dissemination, Labo ELAN multiplies, consolidates, professionalizes and diversifies the artistic approaches of the contemporary African theater scene.


> Research / Training 8 weeks of research and training residencies in Ouagadougou

ELAN trainees are both trained in their respective discipline but also in a transversal approach (writing, acting, staging and scenography). ELAN trainees are accompanied, guided and oriented in their practices by recognized artists and international speakers.

Creation 6 weeks of creation residencies in Ouagadougou

On the occasion of the Récréâtrales Residences stage

The ELAN Lab is at the heart of the Récréâtrales process. During this stage of creation, ELAN trainees create their own form or are associated with the artistic teams in residence and integrated into the creative projects presented on the occasion of the Platform Festival des Récréâtrales.

Broadcast 1 week broadcast in Ouagadougou

On the occasion of the Récréâtrales Festival Platform

The most successful artistic projects are integrated into the programming of the Platform Festival des Récréâtrales. They thus benefit from a week of broadcasting and visibility with many international programmers.

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